Football chanting turns to racism once again. Will Brandon Ross-Lea beat the crowd?

Racism is a problem for football across Europe and is an important factor in the problem of football hooliganism itself. It should be dealt with, it should be punished and it should not be happening in today’s world.

Anyone caught racist crooning at a football game should be stripped naked and made to have a tattoo of their racist chants on their forehead while being paraded through the streets of London.

Racism is against the law so why do it? It’s not funny and it’s not fair. Everyone should be allowed to show off their skills without having loathsome and repugnant comments thrown at them. If players are not liked because of their skin colour then you should keep it to yourselves and leave it at home instead of bringing it to a stadium which is all about respect within the club and the crowd.

Admittedly supporters only care about their team and how they are playing but surely if you’re a true football fan and it’s a tense game between two teams, it’s worth enjoying even if the team has players of different coloured skin or religion, so why are the supporters so judgemental to players of the opposite team? All footballers should be respected for their talents no matter whose team they are on as it’s about showing off skills and playing the game they love.

Racism has calmed down over the past few years during football games however it is slowly creeping back in. It was just last night that a Referee halted Lazio v Napoli Serie A match after racist chants were heard. Kalidou Koulibaly said “I thank my team-mates, the public and our fans, who have been a great support against these ugly chants.” This shows that true supporters will stick up for their team no matter the colour of their skin and it shows the true respect in football.

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Racist chants are proving that football will eventually come to a pause. An example is in March 2014, J-League club Urawa Red Diamonds had to play to an empty stadium; their fans had been banned following racist banners displayed in previous matches. If racist chanting carries on, surely the game will soon die down from supporters as so many will be banned meaning that it is unfair for the supporters who enjoy the game for what it is and do not mind who is playing. Yes there is a tense atmosphere in the stadiums between supporters but it should not come down to racist comments and banners being thrown.

Alternatively we could say that these comments are said due to frustration and people are trying to fit in with the crowd but this is no excuse and it should not be tolerated in games.

We find that racist chanting is not just happening in the stadium it’s also occurring out on the streets. For example, remember the Chelsea fans who disgraced themselves on the Paris Metro?  This shows that fans want to make sure everyone knows their opinion and who they support, also they want to be noticed and to do this it resolves them in shouting racist comments and chants to the public. This does show passion and commitment to the game but it shoes no respect to the players.

From now supporters and fans should start to think about what they want to say and what they should say, as yes racist comments are mostly said through frustration but that is just an excuse and not a reason. Racism should not be tolerated anymore and anyone found doing this should be punished and should be publicly embarrassed as that’s what they have done to the player. These players are all innocent. They want to play to have fun and most off all prove to the public and fans that they can play football and that they belong on the team they shouldn’t have to worry about being booed at if they make a mistake or loose the ball because as we know mistakes just make us better players.

Think before you act.




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