The notion of United’s drought in goals could mean the axe for the Dutchman, according to Jamie Riddell. 

Can Van Gaal entertain the devils? I believe so, as the United fans are becoming bored of the new ‘Manchester United ‘even though the pressure on the Dutchman is beginning to rise.

The poor scoring form within the league is continuing to string a set of rumours towards his philosophy to try creating attacking football. The recent defeat to Norwich City marked a six game winless streak which has eradicated them from the Champions League with comfortable fashion. Yet his team has been left demoralised with confidence being low and struggling to create a goal scoring attack. As star player Wayne Rooney, aged 30, is classed as being past his prime but the Manchester United manager is adamant he is the right man for the job, however this is just the tip of the iceberg.

In addition, within his first season at Barcelona, Van Gaal was able to maintain the  championship which he struggled to do within the his first year at United achieving a top four finish and currently sitting fifth in the league raising the question, are his team scoring enough? The answer is no.

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Within the last ten Premier League games, United have only scored ten goals and six of these coming from Van gaal’s main man, Rooney. Yet ex player Javier Hernandez has scored eleven goals in his last ten games by himself who was classed by Louis Van Gaal deeming him as “not good enough for his system”.

However, after all throughout the season his team has maintained a steady spine in his defence as six foot four centre back Chris Smalling is performing with great prominence over the course of the 2015-16. Besides this, his recent form in the last three games in the cup and league have been goalless, creating a platform for Van Gaal’s team to kick on from.

Also,  I remember everyone shrugging their shoulders after Sir Alex Ferguson’s first season at the Theatre of Dreams. Look what he was able to embellish over time he was given to grow. 13 league titles. That doesn’t go amiss. So in belief of him wanting to succeed, you need him to grasp the concept of United’s origin of attacking. Why can’t give him a chance to improve? It wouldn’t affect the start of season his team are having. Taking a risk would influx the amount of chances, goals; and his team’s confidence overall to prosper within the league and challenge for the title next season.

Players who have been given the freedom on the pitch will be able to develop to their own living up their potential.







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