Joe Foster decided to get to the heart of the matter regarding computer games and whether they are as bad for us as some would have us believe. 

Gaming is often perceived to be a hindrance to young people’s learning but video games can actually boost a young person learning and life skills.

Gaming has its own flaws as well as its own advantages for different people. For example, video games can increase the amount of social behaviour with stranger and can build a recognition of character skill so they can recognise the different types of characters because there are so many different types of gamer. It can also make the person more observant of their surroundings because when you are playing the games you have to look all over the screen to be able to notice the different things. Furthermore, they can also make you better at problem solving because some of the more campaign based games can have some puzzles that you have to be able to do to be able to progress in the game like uncharted for the PS3 and the PS4. They can also help to improve management skills because some games you have limited resources and so you have to use them sparingly and so can help in later life. In addition, they can also improve your quick thinking, reaction times and decision making which can a very helpful if you have to improvise when talking to someone. It helps us to have better strategy and anticipation skills will be able to let people know that you can let us deal with immediate problems but let us keep an eye on the main objective. They also let you be able to adapt to different scenarios quickly and to be able to adapt to be able to deal with it, providing improved ability to rapidly and accurately recognise visual information.

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Admittedly,  there are negative effects that video games can induce into a child’s brain. Like the violence that is in majority of the games that were being played like mortal combat and Assassin’s creed because the main factors of these games because you have to beat up/kill the enemy (but assassin’s creed can be a bit more better because it can also stimulate your mind to be more stealthy and have good strategies). These types of games have been known to stimulate more violent and aggressive thoughts. The games can also be classed as being bad and stimulating because they are always getting rewarded for being violent repeatedly but there is another side to this argument because this has been known to be effective tool for learning. Some of these can teach kids the wrong values in life but they can soon learn when they get older what the proper values.

In conclusion, there are a lot more reasons to let your kids play video games because it can help them in later life but you do have to restrict their time playing otherwise it can get quite dangerous and not just for the person that is playing too much.

So the press are not always right in what they are saying about games.


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