The notion of closed cockpits in F1 is a thorny issue. Will Tempest decided to tackle it head on. 

This is one of the questions every Formula one fan have been wondering for a while ever since the late Justin Wilson’s fatal Indy car crash.

Ever since this tragic accident, people have been protesting for a closed cockpit for all single seated races so the fans of Formula one fans have been wondering when it is coming to Formula One.  There has been a lot on controversy about it: Indy car and Formula One cars are pretty similar but Formula One cars have always had an open cockpit ever since it started in the 1950s. Would you like to see a car ruined just to keep up with the times?

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Yes, I know what you are thinking – surely if it is going to be safer to have the driver of the car, then why not? But on the other hand, at the end of every race the winning driver sometimes gets the national flag and drives around for a victory lap but if the officials are going to change the cars then how is this tradition going to carry on?  In my opinion I think if they do get closed cockpits they’re going to kill the sport for the fans and the drivers.

However, when I mentioned safety and closed cockpits, how safe would be these drivers? When a driver has a crash, the marshals run over and see if they are all right the driver would climb out and make his way to the paddock but what it the lid on the cockpit doesn’t open and the cars on fire or the cars on its head? A terrifying thought.

Finally returning to my question of whether Formula 1 cars should have closed cockpits. To sum up, the closed cockpits for the 2017 season (which is still in concept so it might not happen but if it does) is a good idea: firstly it gives the drivers a fair more bit of safety in case the car goes on its head, But on the over hand, if there’s a fire in the car and the driver can’t get because of the enclosed cockpit it could cause a danger to the driver.

In conclusion yes we might get to a time of futuristic racing but for now we have to good old version which is still pretty fast.

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