Donald Trump was the Star of US’ ‘The Apprentice’ and has recently became one of the most popular candidates applying for the role of America’s President in 2016. Jonathan Brookes analyses the good and the bad of Trump.

Donald Trump.There’s a certainty that you will recognise that name. He was once the star of the US version of The Apprentice and has recently made the decision to run for the President of America. His views are mostly negative, mostly about the Muslims and other faiths. He only says good things about himself, as if to say that everybody else is wrong (except for the supporters).

One example of his horrible behaviour is what he says that Mexicans are “rapists” and wants to “keep Muslims out” of America. He also makes horrible remarks to other people, one being Obama himself. He calls Obama the “worst President ever.” Trump is very offensive and horrible. He is referring to a whole race here, being stereotypical. How can he do this?

Another example is of a man called Sam. He was kicked out of a rally after Trump called him “overweight”. That’s when Trump said, “You know, it’s amazing. I mention food stamps and that guy who’s seriously overweight went crazy.” After Sam didn’t take offence, Trump decided to ban him completely from the Rally. Here, the big Trump is taking the freedom of speech from this man. Sam said something jokingly towards Trump, and the Big Trump instantly replied with offensive words. He needs to be controlled, why does the majority of America want this man to be president?

On the other hand, Trump is gaining popularity and does have supporters… somehow. Surprisingly, Trump is receiving 41% of the national Republican vote. The majority of Republican primary voters (59%) are voting for trump, and agree with his plan to ban Muslims from immigrating or travelling to America.

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Somebody called Jeff describes Trump as being “provocative, smart, and confident.” Somebody else describes Trump’s supporters, saying, “They love Mr Trump’s strength in bringing up a subject that has been pushed under the rug.”

He promised to “Make America Great Again”, but will he be able to? Doubt it.

Reasons why people like Trump are:

  • Other people describe Trump as having simple answer, although he is often wrong. “But he always sounds right.”

This is mainly what politicians are known for doing, they also tend to make promises they can’t keep.

  • A lot of people dislike immigrants.

“Nearly half of registered GOP voters agree with him that undocumented immigrants should be deported.”

  • He says things that people have been afraid to say.

“It’s not that Trump is willing to be provocative – he’s exciting to many people because he says the things they feel they can’t say.”

Even by these reasons, I still can’t feel the reason why people support him.

Overall, Trump is a horrible man and should be banned, not just from the election, but from other countries too due to his ‘in-your-face attitude’ and ‘offensive’ remarks. Is he a good man? Well, imagine if he was elected as the next American President – put yourself in the shoes of the immigrants and ask yourself ‘Would I want to live in a country ruled by this horrible man?’, ‘Would I mind if I was being forced out of my own country?’ and ‘Would I mind being criticized every single day because of my race and religion?’.

If the answer is a firm No, then you do not support the horrible views of Donald Trump.



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